Liquid Example
Friday, 19 June 2009
Splashing Around
I have spent pretty much all day trying to take photographs of water. Rain, drops of water, running water, splashing water, rippling water, bubbling, boiling, throthing, spilling, anything and everything water to try and capture a shot that would best depict "liquid". I am using liquid and solid as one of my contrasts for the first assignment. After taking near to a thousand photographs I now need to decide which one is suitable. Water is a very difficult subject to capture. It reflects everything and can damage electrical equiptment. My DSLR has an x-sync of 1/200s. This means that I am unable to use the camera's in-built flash with a shutter speed faster than 1/200th of a second. This may be a very fast speed, but when trying to capture moving water, it is in fact quite slow. I have ended up with some very interesting results such as the one below but am un-decided whether to use this image with my assignment, I shall decide when I have my photograph for "solid".